Reading from Excel File using ClosedXML

Nate Pet

My Excel file is not in tabular data. I am trying to read from an excel file. I have sections within my excel file that are tabular.

I need to loop through rows 3 to 20 which are tabular and read the data.

Here is party of my code:

     string fileName = "C:\\Folder1\\Prev.xlsx";
     var workbook = new XLWorkbook(fileName);
     var ws1 = workbook.Worksheet(1); 

How do I loop through rows 3 to 20 and read columns 3,4, 6, 7, 8? Also if a row is empty, how do I determine that so I can skip over it without reading that each column has a value for a given row.

Raidri supports Monica

To access a row:

var row = ws1.Row(3);

To check if the row is empty:

bool empty = row.IsEmpty();

To access a cell (column) in a row:

var cell = row.Cell(3);

To get the value from a cell:

object value = cell.Value;
// or
string value = cell.GetValue<string>();

For more information see the documentation.

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