Rolling back database transactions in SQLAlchemy tests with PostgreSQL

Mikko Ohtamaa

I am building a Pyramid web application which is built on the top of SQLAlchemy and solely relies PostgreSQL as its database backend.

What would be a way to have the unit tests structure so that

  • To speed up tests, database transactions are rolled back at the teardown(), or other clean up hook of the test suite

  • Other tricks to speed up tests could be used, e.g. if SQLAlchemy and PostgreSQL has anything corresponding SQLite's :in:memory: database

  • It is possible to choose a custom test runner á la py.test if a specific features outside the standard library unittest framework makes it easier to write test cases.


Since this question is a bit similar to your other question, I'll copy the relevant part of my answer here:

All test case classes should be subclassed from a base class, which defines a common tearDown method:

class BaseTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        # This makes things nicer if the previous test fails
        # - without this all subsequent tests fail

        self.config = testing.setUp()

    def tearDown(self):

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