How can I force use generator on Coffeescript 1.9?


CoffeeScript support generator now, but, I found only you use yield keyword, then your function will be compiled to generator, here is my question, I use koa to write my code, and some middleware I do not need async logic, so I don't need yield, so, CoffeeScript think it is an normal function, but, koa says: app.use() requires a generator function, T^T, anyone have a solution? Thank You!

Chris W

Use the force, Luke! ;)

I ported the example from the homepage to CoffeeScript, and simply made the last handler also accept a next argument and yield to it, despite that being totally unnecessary.

Turns it works just fine. Doing yield null instead, however, does not work.

koa = require("koa")
app = koa()

# x-response-time

app.use (next) ->
  start = new Date
  yield next
  ms = new Date - start
  @set 'X-Response-Time', ms + 'ms'

# logger

app.use (next) ->
  start = new Date
  yield next
  ms = new Date - start
  console.log '%s %s - %s', this.method, this.url, ms

# response

app.use (next) ->
  @body = "Hello World"
  yield next


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