.Jar file runs well from NeBeans but not from /dist lib


I am a bit new at Java and Netbeans but I've heard that you are a great and helpful community, so could you give me an advice how is it possible that a source code (after compiled) works fine if I hit the green triangle in NetBeans, but if I open the contain of the DIST/jar file (outside from NetBeans) it is not?

More precisely the application runs well but one specific function doesn't run when I click a button (PDF generation with iText plugin).

Here is a part of code of the not working method (as I mentioned the button works, but only if I start my App from NetBeans)

If I remove the image reference, the Application runs well from outside (total commander, /dist/myapp.jar, Enter), but I really would like to use the image in the PDF file. The path is good (since it is working from netbeans)

So I am 100% sure that the .jar does not find the logo (if it works without it,) but then how could it find if it is started from NetBeans? What could I rewrite at the path? (I tried "/", "@", "/src" while the .png can be found at /src just like the other pictures (which are loaded perfectly) )

 public void pdfGenerate(String title, String text) {

        Image image1 = Image.getInstance("src/logo.png");
        image1.scaleToFit(200, 86);
        image1.setAbsolutePosition(200f, 750f);

        document.add(new Paragraph("\n\n\n\n\n" + text, FontFactory.getFont("font", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED)));

    } catch (Exception e) {

When you package your application as a jar file, the resources should be packaged there too. The method you are calling interprets the string as a filename; that file will not be present on the system when the jar file is created and deployed.

What you need to do is specify a URL for the resource. You can do this using getClass().getResource(...). If you specify a resource path here starting /, it will be interpreted relative to the classpath; otherwise it is relative to the current class.

Note that there is an overloaded form of Image.getInstance(...) taking a URL.

So, it looks like you need

Image image1 = Image.getInstance(getClass().getResource("/logo.png"));

You can also check the contents of the jar file from the command line with

jar -tf yourfile.jar

to make sure the image file is in there.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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