How do you do this in MS Excel?


I have two columns, Name (Column A) and Amount (Column B).

I was able to compute for the sum of amounts in B of a person who's name is "Lhynne" in column A, which can be done using this formula:

=SUMIF(A:A, "Lhynne",B:B)

Now, I want to compute the total amount accounted for Lhynne and whenever the amount is less than or equal to 30, I'll add two to the amount. What formula can I use for this?


  1. Name | Amount
  2. Lhynne | 30
  3. Nica | 15
  4. Lhynne | 40
  5. Lhynne | 20

So Lhynne's total amount is (30+2) + 40 + (20 + 2).


I got the answer using the array formula found on this.

=SUMIF(A:A, "Lhynne",B:B) + (SUM((A:A="Lhynne")*(B:B<="30"))*2)

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