Store a swift closure as a property on an objective-c class where the block is declared using a typedef


OMG, for the life of me I can't get this to work.

  • I've got a typdef in objective-c that looks like this:
typedef void (^StringBlock)(NSString * string);
  • I've got an objective-c class that has a property that allows you to store your own block of StringBlock type. That property is declared in objective-c like this:
@property (nonatomic, copy) StringBlock onTextSubmitBlock;
  • Assigning a block to it in objective-c looks like this:
input.onTextSubmitBlock = ^(NSString * text) {

  • I want to do the same thing from within a Swift class! The closest I've come to having something that works is this:
input!.onTextSubmitBlock = {(StringBlock) in


That compiles, but I have no access to the argument I need ((NSString * text) in objective-c...)

I'm sure that once I get used to Swift this will be obvious, but what am I missing?

Ben Kane

You are pretty close. You should be able to use it like this:

input!.onTextSubmitBlock = { text in

Swift will infer that text is an NSString from the declaration. Thera are a couple alternative ways you could declare this as well. Like this:

input!.onTextSubmitBlock = {
    println($0) // $0 is text

And this:

input!.onTextSubmitBlock = { (text: NSString) -> () in

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