LINQ Join to delete contents from multiple tables

Jinto John

I have a question about LINQ delete. I have 2 tables in the database and they are joined.

First Table: empid, empname, salary, dname

Second Table: dId, dname

I want to delete one employee from the first table and all references from the child table also. I wrote the following code for that, tables remain in the same state after the query executed. How can I delete it by using LINQ? Please explain what changes are needed to get the right solutions.

public string DeleteData(int id)
        var emplist = new List<ViewDetails>();
        // tble_dept dept = new tble_dept();
        //tble_Emp emp = new tble_Emp();
        OperationDataDataContext dc = new OperationDataDataContext();
        var employess = from emps in dc.tble_Emps
                            join depts in dc.tble_depts
                            on emps.deptid equals
                            select new ViewDetails
                                empid = emps.EmpId,
                                empname = emps.EmpName,
                                salary = emps.EmpSalary,
                                dname = depts.Dname,
        var company = employess.FirstOrDefault(c => c.empid == id);
        emplist = employess.ToList();

        if (company == null)
            return "Company cannot be found";
        return "ok";
    catch (Exception ex)
        return ex.Message;
Jinto John
public string DeleteData(int id)
                var emplist = new List<ViewDetails>();
                // tble_dept dept = new tble_dept();
                //tble_Emp emp = new tble_Emp();
                OperationDataDataContext dc = new OperationDataDataContext();
                int q = Convert.ToInt32(id);
                var employess = from emps in dc.tble_Emps
                              join depts in dc.tble_depts
                              on emps.deptid equals
                              where q == emps.EmpId
                                select  emps;

               // if (company == null)
                  //  return "Company cannot be found";
                return "ok";

            catch (Exception ex)
                return ex.Message;

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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