Converting decimal to fraction


I have a method that is converting a decimal (double value) into a fraction and putting the numerator and denominator values into an int[] of size 2.

Testing it works out fine for most values except when I hit 0.0001. Then the return value is 1.0/1.0.

The method:

private static int[] toFractionPos(double x){
    String[] parts = Double.toString(x).split("\\.");
    double den = Math.pow(10, parts[1].length()); //denominator
    double num = Double.parseDouble(parts[0]) * den + Double.parseDouble(parts[1]); //numerator
    return reduceFraction((int)num, (int)den);

reduceFraction() method:

public static int[] reduceFraction(int num, int den){
    int gcf = GCF(num, den); //greatest common factor
    int[] rf = {num/gcf, den/gcf};
    return rf;



The algorithm seems fine. However, using double is not suitable for this kind of problem, because precision decreases as the scale grows.

You should use BigDecimal and BigInteger instead. I've roughly modified your example so that it works with them, but I haven't taken care of details, i.e. parsing the String shouldn't be necessary since scale can be retrieved from a BigDecimal with a getter, you can configure different rounding modes, etc:

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;

public class Sample {

    static int[] toFractionPos(BigDecimal x) {
        String[] parts = x.toString().split("\\.");
        BigDecimal den = BigDecimal.TEN.pow(parts[1].length()); // denominator
        BigDecimal num = (new BigDecimal(parts[0]).multiply(den)).add(new BigDecimal(parts[1])); // numerator
        return reduceFraction(num.intValue(), den.intValue());

    static int[] reduceFraction(int num, int den) {
        int gcd = BigInteger.valueOf(num).gcd(BigInteger.valueOf(den)).intValue(); // greatest
                                                                                   // common
                                                                                   // divisor
        int[] rf = { num / gcd, den / gcd };
        return rf;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] fraction = toFractionPos(new BigDecimal("0.0001"));
        System.out.println(fraction[0] + "/" + fraction[1]); // 1/10000

Note: optimizations left as an excercise ;)

Collected from the Internet

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