ArangoDB: traverse only edges within a time range


I am experimenting with time based versioning. I have created a vertex that is connected to other vertices with this edge on one side:

  "_id": "edges/426647569364",
  "_key": "426647569364",
  "_rev": "426647569364",
  "_from": "nodes/426640688084",
  "_to": "nodes/426629284820",
  "valid_from": "1385787600000",
  "valid_till": "9007199254740991"

And this edge on the other:

  "_id": "edges/426679485396",
  "_key": "426679485396",
  "_rev": "426845488084",
  "_from": "nodes/426675749844",
  "_to": "nodes/426629284820",
  "valid_from": "1322629200000",
  "valid_till": "1417323600000"

The valid_till value in the first edge is the output of the Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER function.

I looked at custom vistors a little and it looks like its focused on filtering vertices rather than edges.

How can I restrict my traversal to edges with a valid_till value between new Date().getTime() and Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER?


You can use the followEdges attribute in a traversal. followEdges can optionally be a JavaScript function for filtering edges. It will be invoked for each edge in the traversal:

var expandFilter = function (config, vertex, edge, path) { 
  return (edge.vaild_till >= new Date().getTime() && 
          edge.valid_till <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);


require("org/arangodb/aql/functions").register("my::expandFilter", expandFilter);

It can then be used in a traversal like a regular custom filter by specifying it in the followEdges attribute of the traversal options, e.g.:

LET options = { 
   followEdges: 'my::expandFilter' 
FOR doc IN TRAVERSAL(nodes, edges, 'nodes/startNode', 'inbound', options) 
  RETURN doc.vertex

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