matplotlib legend shows "Container object of 10 artists" instead of label


The code below produces the plot and legend correctly, however the legend does not show the specified label text, but "Container object of 10 artists" instead.

ax = plt.subplot(212)


l1=, Y1, 0.45, align='center', color='r', label='A', edgecolor='black', hatch="/")
l2=,      Y2, 0.45, align='center', color='b', label='N',hatch='o', fill=False)


plt.xticks(X, X_values)

ymax1 = max(Y1) + 1
ymax2 = max(Y2) + 1

ymax = max(ymax1,ymax2)+1
plt.ylim(0, ymax)


plt.legend([l1,l2], loc='upper right', prop={'size':20})

The output is shown below:

Plot showing the missing labels

How can I correctly display the labels for each bar (as specified in the function) on the legend?


The problem stems from mixing two approaches to using plt.legend(). You have two options:

  1. Manually specify the labels for the legend
  2. Use ax.get_legend_handles_labels() to fill them in with the label parameters you passed to

To manually specify the labels, pass them as the second argument to your call to plt.legend() as follows:

plt.legend([l1,l2], ["A", "N"], loc='upper right', prop={'size':20})

If instead you want to automatically populate the legend you can use the following to find legend-able objects in the plot and their labels:

handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='upper right', prop={'size':20})

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