How to draw a number centered inside a circle with inline svg?


I'm trying to write a Django template tag that will generate a number inside a circle as an inline svg.

The math is pretty straight-forward (except for the fudge-factor in real_fontsize -- I'm thinking it has to do with numerals being shorter than the tallest character..?)

def numcircle(n, size=36, border=4, color='white', background="black", **kw):
    """Draw a circle with a number inside.
    kw['padding'] = kw.get('padding', 2)
    kw['num'] = n
    kw['size'] = size
    kw['border'] = border
    kw['center'] = size / 2
    kw['radius'] = (size / 2) - border
    kw['color'] = color
    kw['background'] = background
    kw['fontsize'] = size - (2 * (border + kw['padding']))
    real_fontsize = kw['fontsize'] * (0.8 if kw['fontsize'] > 25 else 1)
    kw['ypos'] = kw['center'] + real_fontsize / 2 - kw['border'] + kw.get('yadjust', 0)
    kw['xpos'] = kw.get('xpos', size / 2)
    return kw


<svg width="{{ size }}" height="{{ size }}" viewBox="0 0 {{ size }} {{ size }}">
    <circle cx="{{ center }}"
            cy="{{ center }}"
            r="{{ radius }}"
            stroke="{{ color }}"
            stroke-width="{{ border }}"
            fill="{{ background }}"/>
    <text font-size="{{ fontsize }}"
          fill="{{ color }}"
          x="{{ xpos }}"
          y="{{ ypos }}">{{ num }}</text>

it produces an svg that renders very nicely in all browsers I have tested, except the native iPad browser, where the number is flush with the bottom of the circle (and not in the center)..

<svg width="44" height="44" viewBox="0 0 44 44">
<circle cx="22"
<text font-size="36"

Is there any way to work around this issue in a cross-browser (IE9+) fashion?


(using alignment-baseline: middle doesn't seem to align in the middle in any browser..:

Paul LeBeau

You can't really rely on the alignment-baseline property. Support for it is pretty spotty at best.

Even when it is supported, alignment-baseline: middle doesn't really vertically centre the characters. There is, in fact, no way to do it accurately and reliably.

You can centre horizontally with text-anchor="middle", which is supported everywhere.

IMO, the best you can do in the vertical case, is the solution I propose in this answer:

Collected from the Internet

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edited at


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