spring http request mapping single uri with different request parameters to different method is good practice or bad practice

Yashwantrao Raut

My question is I need to implement rest api to search Students bases on its attributes below are my urls.

    http/my system/vo1/students/search?firstname=ABC&responseType=summary
    http/my system/vo1/students/search?age=ABC&responseType=summary
    http/my system/vo1/students/search?id=ABC& responseType =summary
    http/my system/vo1/students/search?mobile=ABC& responseType =summary
    http/my system/vo1/students/search?lastname=ABC& responseType =summary
    http/my system/vo1/students/search?education=ABC& responseType=summary
    http/my system/vo1/students/search?working=ABC& responseType =summary
    http/my system/vo1/students/search? responseType =summary

responseType can be summary,hierarchy or can more types will be added in feature.

So i have single URI "/my system/vo1/students/search?" with different parameters and user will send max two optional parameters and min is one is mandatory that is responseType

in spring we can map single uri with different request parameters to different method as shown below

@RequestMapping(value = “my system/vo1/students/search", method = RequestMethod.GET)
        public Students  searchStudentByName(
                @RequestParam(value = “name",required = true) String name,
                @RequestParam(value = “ responseType", required = true) String responseType)
            //do student fetching works

    @RequestMapping(value = “my system/vo1/students/search", method = RequestMethod.GET)
        public Students  searchStudentByAge(
                @RequestParam(value = “age",required = true) int age,
                @RequestParam(value = “ responseType", required = true) String responseType)
            //do student fetching works

and so on .. we can write 9 different methods for this .

one more way is to do it create only one method.

 @RequestMapping(value = “my system/vo1/students/search", method = RequestMethod.GET)
        public Students  searchStudentByAge(
                @RequestParam(value = “firstname",required = true) String age,
                @RequestParam(value = “age",required = false) int age,
                @RequestParam(value = “lastname",required = false) String lastname,
                @RequestParam(value = “working",required = false) String working,
             //add more for each field that will be present in url...........
                @RequestParam(value = “ responseType", required = true) String responseType)
            //do student fetching works

In second approach we can write separate validator to validate the input request.

I have below Questions

  1. which approach is best (considering best design principals and practices)
  2. why it is best approach
  3. what is best object oriented design for such problem
Neil McGuigan

You should definitely go with one RequestMapping in this scenario (the 2nd option). What if you later want to combine query params? Combinatorial Explosion!

Make sure you understand the JPA Criteria API, or check out Jooq and QueryDSL. That will make life easier for you.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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