Why do I get an error when trying to use a method in application_controller?


In my Ruby on Rails application I have a cinema application and am trying to populate a drop down menu with films that have showing dates that are not in the past.

In my _form.html.erb I have this dropdown menu that is trying to use the live_films method:

<%= f.grouped_collection_select :showing_id, Film.order(:title).live_films, :showings, :title, :id,  :showing_times %>

The method is in application_controller:

helper_method :active_menu, :live_films 

def live_films 
    Film.includes(:showings).where.not(showings.show_date < Date.today)

I also suspect that my method wouldn't work so I welcome suggestions for getting it to function.

What am I doing wrong?


You should be calling order on result of live_films method call as:

<%= f.grouped_collection_select :showing_id, live_films.order(:title), :showings, :title, :id,  :showing_times %>

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