"The model item passed into the dictionary is of type" while passing model to a partial view

Nuru Salihu

I have a view renders another partial view along the way. My view receives the model below

 public class JobsListViewModel
        public IEnumerable<JobPost> JobPosts { get; set; }
        public PagingInfo PagingInfo { get; set; }
        public SearchTerms searchTerms { get; set; }

my Partial view receives the model SearchTerms below.

  public class SearchTerms
        public string searchText { get; set; }
        public string JobFunction { get; set; }
        public string JobIndustry { get; set; }
        public string jobType { get; set; }
        public string JobLevel { get; set; }
        public string PostedDate { get; set; }
        public decimal MinSalary { get; set; }

SearchTerms already part of JobsListViewModel .Therefore i tried to render my Partial view like below.


The above throws an error that

"The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'JobWebSite.WebUI.Models.JobsListViewModel', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'JobWebSite.WebUI.Models.SearchTerms' "

From my partial above, i am passing Model.SearchTerms. Shouldnt that satisfy the requirement ? Please any help would be appreciated.


Thank you for your responses. What Mr Stephen mentioned below happened to be the problem. Below is my Controller previously.

    public ViewResult List(int page = 1)
     JobPosts = (IEnumerable<JobPost>)
                          (from posts in repository.JobPosts
                           orderby posts.PostDate descending
                           select new
                               Id = posts.Id,
                               Post = posts.Post,
                               Logo = posts.Logo,
                               PostDate = posts.PostDate,
                               EmployerId = posts.EmployerId,
                               CategoryId = posts.CategoryId,
                               RegionId = posts.RegionId,
                               TypeId = posts.TypeId,
                               PostTitle = posts.PostTitle,
                               JobIndustryId = posts.JobIndustryId,
                               JobFunctionId = posts.JobFunctionId,
                               JobLevelId = posts.JobLevelId,
                               Salary = posts.Salary
                           }).AsEnumerable().Select(x => new JobPost
                                   Id = x.Id,
                                   Post = x.Post,
                                   Logo = x.Logo,
                                   PostDate = x.PostDate,
                                   EmployerId = x.EmployerId,
                                   CategoryId = x.CategoryId,
                                   RegionId = x.RegionId,
                                   TypeId = x.TypeId,
                                   PostTitle = x.PostTitle,
                                   JobIndustryId = x.JobIndustryId,
                                   JobFunctionId = x.JobFunctionId,
                                   JobLevelId = x.JobLevelId,
                                   Salary = x.Salary
                               .Skip((page - 1) * PageSize)
                    PagingInfo = new PagingInfo
                        CurrentPage = page,
                        ItemsPerPage = PageSize,
                        TotalItems = repository.JobPosts.Count()
                    searchTerms = CtrlsearchTerms 


     return View("Search", model);

Note. CtrlsearchTerms is set in the httpPost method. According to Mr Stephen , My SearchTerms was empty and that sure was the case. when i changed my Controller to

        public ViewResult List(int page = 1)
         JobPosts = (IEnumerable<JobPost>)
                              (from posts in repository.JobPosts
                               orderby posts.PostDate descending
                               select new
                                   Id = posts.Id,
                                   Post = posts.Post,
                                   Logo = posts.Logo,
                                   PostDate = posts.PostDate,
                                   EmployerId = posts.EmployerId,
                                   CategoryId = posts.CategoryId,
                                   RegionId = posts.RegionId,
                                   TypeId = posts.TypeId,
                                   PostTitle = posts.PostTitle,
                                   JobIndustryId = posts.JobIndustryId,
                                   JobFunctionId = posts.JobFunctionId,
                                   JobLevelId = posts.JobLevelId,
                                   Salary = posts.Salary
                               }).AsEnumerable().Select(x => new JobPost
                                       Id = x.Id,
                                       Post = x.Post,
                                       Logo = x.Logo,
                                       PostDate = x.PostDate,
                                       EmployerId = x.EmployerId,
                                       CategoryId = x.CategoryId,
                                       RegionId = x.RegionId,
                                       TypeId = x.TypeId,
                                       PostTitle = x.PostTitle,
                                       JobIndustryId = x.JobIndustryId,
                                       JobFunctionId = x.JobFunctionId,
                                       JobLevelId = x.JobLevelId,
                                       Salary = x.Salary
                                   .Skip((page - 1) * PageSize)
                        PagingInfo = new PagingInfo
                            CurrentPage = page,
                            ItemsPerPage = PageSize,
                            TotalItems = repository.JobPosts.Count()
                         //Initialize my SearchTerms Below as suggested
                        searchTerms = new SearchTerms()


         return View("Search", model);

This works fine. The error is now gone. Thank you for your time.


This occurs when the model you are passing to the partial is null. In effect your doing @Html.Partial("_SearchFormPartial", null) which is the same as @Html.Partial("_SearchFormPartial"), that is, the ViewDaatDictionary of the main view (JobsListViewModel) is being passed to the partial. Initialize a new instance of SearchTerms in the controller or in a parameterless constructor, for example

public class JobsListViewModel
    public JobsListViewModel()
        searchTerms = new SearchTerms();
    public IEnumerable<JobPost> JobPosts { get; set; }
    public PagingInfo PagingInfo { get; set; }
    public SearchTerms searchTerms { get; set; }

Collected from the Internet

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