Returning a trait type with static dispatch


I'm trying to return a statically dispatched trait in a function declared in the same trait, but the compiler seems unable to map between the trait type and the concrete type.


trait Money {
    fn trade<M>(&self) -> M
        where M: Money;

impl Money for Dollar {
    fn trade<M>(&self) -> M
        where M: Money
        Dollar { amount: self.amount / 2 }

You can try out the complete example here:


The compiler's in the right here. What you've told it is that you're implementing a function trade which, for any M the caller cares to use (so long as it implements Money), you will return an instance of that M. And then you go and try to return a Dollar. What if M isn't Dollar?

What you probably want here, from context, is the following:

trait Money {
    fn trade(&self) -> Self;

struct Dollar {
    amount: usize,

impl Money for Dollar {
    fn trade(&self) -> Dollar
        Dollar { amount: self.amount / 2 }

fn main() {
    let x = Dollar { amount: 10 };

Here, the trade function is changed to always return the type it's implemented for; within the Money trait definition, that's Self. When you're talking about a specific implementation, it's the implementation type (so it's Dollar when you're implementing Money for Dollar).

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