Using jsonpatch to create new path


I'm trying to use jsonpatch to create new path in a mongoose document, but I can't make it work.

The page oficial page enter link description here says that I can add new values to a path like this,

{op: add, path:/mypath, value: 'new value'}

But what I want is to add new path with new values. I've try passing a variable to the path like this:

var valuesItem = [{
            op: 'add',
            path: '/' + data,
            value: 'data'

But that don't work. Thanks.


I have to change the way that it was updated the data in the database, like this:

value = value.toObject();
var patches = request.payload;
jsonpatch.apply(value, patches);

      Value.update({ _id: }, value, { overwrite: true }, function(err) {
        if (err) {
        } else {

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