Build a simple parser that is able to parse different date formats using PyParse


I am building a simple parser that takes a query like the following: 'show fizi commits from 1/1/2010 to 11/2/2006' So far I have:

class QueryParser(object):

def parser(self, stmnt):

    keywords = ["select", "from","to", "show","commits", "where", "group by", "order by", "and", "or"]
    [select, _from, _to, show, commits, where, groupby, orderby, _and, _or] = [ CaselessKeyword(word) for word in keywords ]

    user = Word(alphas+"."+alphas)
    user2 = Combine(user + "'s")


    bnf = (show|select)+(user|user2).setResultsName("user")+(commits).setResultsName("stats")\

    a = bnf.parseString(stmnt)
    return a

def getdate(self):
    integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0]))
    date = Combine(integer('year') + '/' + integer('month') + '/' + integer('day'))
    return date

I would like the dates to be more generic. Meaning user can provide 20 Jan, 2010 or some other date format. I found a good date parsing online that does exactly that. It takes a date as a string and then parses it. So what I am left with is to feed that function the date string I get from my parser. How do I go about tokenizing and capturing the two date strings. For now it only captures the format 'y/m/d' format. Is there a way to just get the entire string regarless of how its formatted. Something like capture the word right after keywords and . Any help is greatly appreciated.

Jon Clements

A simple approach is to require the date be quoted. A rough example is something like this, but you'll need to adjust to fit in with your current grammar if needs be:

from pyparsing import CaselessKeyword, quotedString, removeQuotes
from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_date

dp = (
    CaselessKeyword('from') + quotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes)('from') +
    CaselessKeyword('to') + quotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes)('to')

res = dp.parseString('from "jan 20" to "apr 5"')
from_date = parse_date(res['from'])
to_date = parse_date(res['to'])
# from_date, to_date == (datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 20, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 5, 0, 0))

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