Preg_replace_callback storing in array


I'm looking to store every match found using preg_replace_callback in an array which is to be used at a later point. This is what I have so far and I can't work out what is wrong, currently it is storing the last match found, in both $match[0] and $match[3].

What I am attempting to achieve overall is to replace every match with a hyperlinked number, then print the full text below it. Each number is to be linked to its corresponding text.

            global $match;
            $match = array();
            $pattern = $regex;
                $body = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function($matches){
                    static $count = 0;
                    $count ++;
                    $match = $matches;
                    return "<a href=\"#ref $count\">$count</a>"; 
                }, $body);

You need to put the global statement inside the function. You also need to push a new element onto the $match array, not overwrite it. And I doubt you want a space between #ref and $count in the href attribute.

$match = array();
$pattern = $regex;
$body = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function($matches){
    global $match;
    static $count = 0;
    $count ++;
    $match[] = $matches;
    return "<a href=\"#ref$count\">$count</a>"; 
}, $body);

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