PHP Alphanumeric Regular Expression


I am new to PHP, and very new to Regular Expressions. I am currently trying to write a Regular Expression that makes sure the characters are all Alpha Numeric, and that accepts other characters a well. I would like to accept áéíñóúüÁÉÍÑÓÚÜ and @.+-. To accept all alphanumeric characters, and the symbols @.+-. I use the expression:

if (!preg_match("!^[\[email protected]]*$!")

Also, before I continue I would like to add. These are values being grabbed from a form input, and they should all be one word phrases (as in no spaces). Ok now lets continue! :D Now I want to grab the characters áéíñóúüÁÉÍÑÓÚÜ as well. When I use the expression:

if (!preg_match("/[\wáéíñóúüÁÉÍÑÓÚÜ@.\+-].*/")

It does not seem to work, could anyone please help? If you are confused, or it is worded bad just ask and I will rewrite it :)


My expression:

if (!preg_match("!^[\[email protected]]*$!")

does work, it is the other one that is not working. Thank You! :)


Now when I try the expression:

if (!preg_match("~^[\p{L}\p{N}@+._-]+$~", $email)) {

with the input of michael.jonesáéí it raises a error. There error it raises is "Email contains restricted characters." because I made it say that. Here is the specific code I am using:

if (!preg_match("~^[\p{L}\p{N}@+._-]+$~", $email)) {
<div id="allinputboxerror" class="col-xs-12"> Email contains restricted characters.</div>
<?php } ?>  

and here is all of the code I am using:

                                if ($_POST) {
                                    $emailtest1 = False;
                                    $emailtest2 = False;
                                    $emailtest3 = False;
                                    $emailtest4 = False;
                                    $emailtest5 = False;

                                    // Test #1 - Makes sure there is a input

                                    if(empty($_POST['email'])) {
                                        <div id="allinputboxerror" class="col-xs-12"> Please enter your email. </div>

                                    else {
                                        $emailtest1 = True;

                                        // Test #2 - Makes sure it does not already exist

                                        $usernamequery = "SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE email = :email";

                                        $usernameparams = array(':email' => $_POST['email']);

                                            $emailstmt = $connection->prepare($usernamequery);
                                            $emailresult = $emailstmt->execute($usernameparams);

                                        catch(PDOException $ex){
                                            echo ("Failed to run query: " . $ex->getMessage());

                                        $emailcolumns = $emailstmt->fetch();

                                            <div id="allinputboxerror" class="col-xs-12"> This email already exists. </div>

                                        else {
                                            $emailtest2 = True;

                                            // Test #3 - Makes sure it fits the length requirements

                                            if(strlen($email) < 5 ) {
                                                <div id="allinputboxerror" class="col-xs-12"> Email is to short. </div>

                                            elseif(strlen($email) > 75 ) {
                                                <div id="allinputboxerror" class="col-xs-12"> Email is to long. </div>

                                            else {
                                                $emailtest3 = True;

                                                // Test #4 - Makes sure it does not have any restricted characters

                                                if (!preg_match("~^[\p{L}\p{N}@+._-]+$~", $email)) {
                                                    <div id="allinputboxerror" class="col-xs-12"> Email contains restricted characters. </div>

                                                else {
                                                    $emailtest4 = True;

                                                    // Test #5 - Makes sure the email is valid

                                                    if (!filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
                                                        <div id="allinputboxerror" class="col-xs-12"> Not a valid email. </div>

                                                    else {
                                                        $emailtest5 = True;

                                                        // Final Check

                                                        if (($emailtest1 = True) and ($emailtest2 = True) and ($emailtest3 = True) and ($emailtest4 = True) and ($emailtest5 = True)) {
                                                            // Email is valid! :D

                                                        else {
                                                            <div id="allinputboxerror" class="col-xs-12"> There is a error. </div>
Avinash Raj

Regex to accept all alphanumeric characters, and the symbols @.+-.


Your regex ^[\[email protected]]*$ won't match the accented characters. That is \w would match only the English alphabets, digits 0-9 plus the underscore symbol.

  • \p{L} matches any kind of letter from any language

  • \p{N} matches any kind of numeric character in any script.

  • + after the char class would repeat the previous token one or more times. I suggest you to use + instead of * because * repeats the previous token zero or more times. So it matches empty strings also.



You ust need to include the unicode modifier u, so that it would make \p{L} to match accented characters.

if (!preg_match("~^[\p{L}\p{N}@+._-]+$~u", $email)) {

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