Best way to import data in Swift?

Mohammed B

I'm looking for the best way (or easiest) to import data into my iOS app using Swift. I've got a file containing recipes and I have to read in the recipe names and instructions. Example:

Fudge brownies

  1. Mix ingredients in processors until consistent.
  2. Prepare baking sheet with coconut oil and set over at 425. ....

So I have to import several dozen recipes, my questions are

Would it be best to read in a text file?

If so how is this done in Swift?

Also how do I avoid issues with reading the title and recipe into separate variables?


You can read in a text file quite easily doing something like this:

let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("fileName", ofType: "txt")
var dataString = String(contentsOfFile: path!, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding, error: nil)

Note you'll have to import Foundation.

You could then create a method to parse the dataString, something like

func parseDataString(string: String)

which you could send the dataString to.

You could put markers (e.g. special characters like (*) ) in the text file that would allow this method to figure out where the titles end and the directions start. There are a number of ways it could be done.

You could then persist your data using CoreData.

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