Python: Using one argument to handle choice between a number and a string?


Basically I am writing a function that depends on a numerical input x, a number between 0 and 1. I want the default value of x to be, say, x=0.5. However, I also want to provide an option to the user that allows them to let the program select x for them using some algorithm. Is there an elegant way to handle that choice with one function argument?

I'm thinking something like this:

def foo(x=0.5):
    if x == "pick for me":
        return complicated_algorithm_that_picks_x()
        return x

def complicated_algorithm_that_picks_x():
    print "Thinking hard..."
    return 0.1234567

which would return:

>>> foo()
>>> foo(0.3)
>>> foo("pick for me")
Thinking hard...

But this looks really inelegant, since the user has to know what magic string to pass to invoke the selection algorithm. Any ideas how I can handle this more cleanly?

I was thinking having an additional Boolean argument called pick (that defaults to False), which when True will invoke the x picking function. But then users might pass both, say, x=0.3 and pass=True, in which case I have to arbitrarily ignore one of the choices. Looks clumsy again.


There are three things you might consider:

  1. Split the one function into two.
  2. Use a class.
  3. Multiple default arguments.

Here there are, in no particular order:

Split one function into two

If you want to do two different things in one function and you're having trouble designing a natural interface, it might be a sign that the one function should become two:

def foo_picked_for_me():
    x = pick_x()
    return foo(x)

def foo(x):
    # do foo

I don't know how this strikes you, but it's simple, clear, and that means its often preferable.

Use a class

Default arguments are nice, but a function's interface can only get so complicated before it starts making more sense to handle option setting with a class:

class Foo:

    def __init__(self):
        self.x = 0.5

    def pick_x_for_me(self):
        self.x = pick_x()

    def foo(self):
        # do foo with self.x

As EOL suggests below, it's perfectly pythonic to leave x "exposed", and to allow the user to change it. You say, though, that x must be between 0 and 1, so it might make sense to do some bounds checking with the setter for x:

class Foo(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self._x = 0.5

    def x(self):
        return self._x

    def x(self, value):
        if 0 <= value <= 1:
            self._x = value
            raise ValueError("x must be between 0 and 1")

    def pick_x_for_me(self):
        self._x = pick_x()

    def foo(self):
        # do foo with self._x

Multiple default arguments

The last option is analogous to what other posters have given: use two arguments, and throw an exception if the user does something contradictory. I'd consider allowing three forms of call:

    # x gets its default value of 0.5

    # x gets the specified value

    # x is picked for me

Additionally, if I write:

foo(x=.42, pick_for_me=True)

I'll throw an exception. Some code that implements this follows:

def foo(x=None, pick_for_me=None):
    if x is None and pick_for_me is None:
        x = 0.5
    elif pick_for_me and x:
        raise RuntimeError("You can't set both!")
    elif pick_for_me:
        x = picking_algorithm()

    # else x was set, so leave it be

This is kind of complicated, and I'm not so sure I like the API. Just make sure you document the behavior well enough so that the user knows how to use the thing.

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