Apache Wicket: dynamic key for message with embedded HTML

Christophe L

Wicket supports complex translatable message containing HTML elements like links, etc. as described in https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/WICKET/Everything+about+Wicket+internationalization using wicket:message. E.g.:

<wicket:message key="messageKey">
    <a wicket:id="link"><wicket:message key="linkLabel"></wicket:message></a>

and the properties:

messageKey=Click on ${link}

and in Java

add(new BookmarkablePage<Void>("link", SomePage.class);

This works great, however the message key is hardcoded in the HTML.

In my case, I want the message key to be dynamically determined in Java. For regular messages (with string parameters) I can do that with a Label and a StringResourceModel that takes the key as a parameter. But how do I do the same thing for a message that contains Wicket components as parameters? I guess the markup would looks something like:

<span wicket:id="messageId">
    <a wicket:id="link"><wicket:message key="linkLabel"></wicket:message></a>

But what would the Java be? Label cannot have children. :(

=== UPDATE ===

There's a Wicket class org.apache.wicket.markup.resolver.WicketMessageResolver.MessageContainer that looks interesting. Since it's private static, I cannot use it directly but if I copy paste the code into a public class and tweak a couple things related to component hierarchy, I'm getting close to a solution. But that's pretty hacky. Is there a cleaner solution?

Christophe L

I ended up copying / modifying Wicket's private class MessageContainer (nested in org.apache.wicket.markup.resolver.WicketMessageResolver) like so:


Then I can have Java code like:

final String messageKey;
if (userLoggedIn) {
    messageKey = "logged.in";
} else {
    messageKey = "logged.out";
MessageContainer message = new MessageContainer("message", messageKey);
BookmarkablePageLink<Void> link = new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>("link", UserProfilePage.class);
link.add(new Label("username", user.getUsername());

The HTML looks like:

<span wicket:id="message">
    <a wicket:id="link"><span wicket:id="username"></span></a>

The properties files looks like:

logged.in = ${link} logged in.
logged.out = ${link} logged out.

Depending on whether userLoggedIn is true or false the rendered HTML will look like:

<a href="/profile">totof3110</a> logged in.


<a href="/profile">totof3110</a> logged out.

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