Confused about protractor v1.4.0 'protractor' and 'browser' global variables

Suren Aznauryan

The doc of protractor v1.4.0 ( tries to describe the global variables in protractor:

browser - A wrapper around an instance of WebDriver, used for navigation and page-wide information. The browser.get method loads a page. Protractor expects Angular to be present on a page, so it will throw an error if the page it is attempting to load does not contain the Angular library. (If you need to interact with a non-Angular page, you may access the wrapped webdriver instance directly with browser.driver).

protractor - The Protractor namespace which wraps the WebDriver namespace. Contains static variables and classes, such as protractor.Key which enumerates the codes for special keyboard signals.

My questions:

1) i don't actually understand these definitions and the difference between browser and protractor

2) in the definition of browser there is mentioned about browser.driver but when i look to the protractor API doc( there is no driver property available for browser.


1) There are 3 important keywords: element, browser, and protractor.

element is how you select content on the page, browser is how you interact with the browser that you're testing (i.e. browser.get(...)), protractor is a shortcut for you to access static variables defined in the webdriver namespace.

For example:

browser.get(''); // tell browser to go to an url
var input = element(by.css('#someInput')); // find the input using a css selector
input.sendKeys(protractor.Key.ENTER); // Send a `webdriver` key to the element (see

I would suggest that you go through as a starting place.

2) That's because driver is a property in browser and not a function. Use browser.driver to access the raw webdriver (although as a new user, you shouldn't have to use it)

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