Why can't I create a vector of threads on the fly like this


Why is creation of vector of threads on the fly is wrong ? I am getting compilation error

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\include\xmemory0(593): error C2280: 'std::thread::thread(const std::thread &)' : attempting to reference a deleted function

followed by a lot of other stuff.

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>

using std::vector;
using std::thread;
using std::cout;

class obj_on_thread {
    void operator()()
        std::cout << "obj on thread\n";

void function_on_thread() {
    std::cout << "function on thread\n";

auto named_lambda = []() { std::cout << "named_lambda_on_thread\n"; };

int main(){
    obj_on_thread obj;

    vector<thread> pool {
        thread{ obj },
        thread{ function_on_thread },
        thread{ named_lambda },
        thread{ []() { cout << "anonymous lambda on thread\n"; } }
    cout << "main thread\n";

    for(auto& t : pool)
        if (t.joinable())
            cout << "Joinable = true";
            t.join(); //if called must be called once.
            cout << "this shouldn't get printed, joinable = false\n";
    for (auto& t : pool)
        if (t.joinable())
            cout << " This won't be printed Joinable = true";
            cout << "joinable = false thread are already joint\n";

    return 0;
Freddie Chopin

std::vector's constructor which uses initializer_list requires the elements to be copy-constructible, because initializer_list itself requires that (its underlying "storage" is implemented as a temporary array which is copy-constructed). std::thread is not copy-constructible (this constructor is deleted).


The underlying array is a temporary array, in which each element is copy-initialized...

There's no good way to solve this problem - you cannot initialize all your threads at once, but you can use (multiple calls, one for each thread - unfortunately):

  • emplace_back():

  • push_back() with rvalues:

  • push_back() with explicit move()s:

    auto t = thread{obj};

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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