Get email password from WPF application


i am building a wpf application and in my code there is an email sent with email details as username and password.

SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient("", 587);
NetworkCredential basicCredential = new NetworkCredential("username", "password");
smtp.Credentials = basicCredential;
smtp.EnableSsl = true;

is ther any way that the application user can get my email account details? if yes is there any way to prevent it?


Yes they can probably get it by using .Net Reflector like dotPeek

You can prevent .Net Reflection though i haven't used it by using Obfuscators that'll hide .Net implementation details.


Obfuscation is the process of renaming this meta-data in an Assembly so that it is no longer useful to a hacker but remains usable to the machine for executing the intended operations. It does not modify the actual instructions or mask them from observation by a hacker.

Here are a list of .Net Obfuscators, research them well and look through the ups and downs of using one.

List if obfuscators for .NET

Collected from the Internet

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