I need help fixing this hangman function


Okay, so I am stuck at this part in my code. When I want the letter that the user guesses to replace that letter in the string of underscores, it replaces every single letter with that letter. I don't know what to do. Here is the code.

 def hangman(secret):

    guessCount = 7
    w = '_'*len(secret)

    while guessCount > 0:
        guess = input('Guess: ')
        if guess in secret:
            indices = indexes(secret, guess)
            for i in range(len(indices)):
                w = w.replace(w[indices[i]],secret[indices[i]])
            guessCount = guessCount - 1
            print('Incorrect.',guessCount,'incorrect guesses remaining.')

Any help in pointing out what I can do specifically in line 9 and 10 would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the first function that I defined earlier that I use in this function.

def indexes(word, letter):
    '''returns a list of indexes at which character letter appears in word'

    indices = []

    for i in range(len(word)):
        if letter in word[i]:
    return indices

Strings are immutable in Python. Hence, it is not a suitable data structure for representing your word. In my opinion, Kyle Friedline's approach is probably the right way.

def hangman(secret, guessCount=7):
    assert guessCount > 0  # Never really good to hard code magic numbers.

    w = ['_'] * len(secret)  # Make 'w' a list instead because list is mutable
    while guessCount > 0:
        guess = input("Guess: ")
        if guess in secret:
            indices = indexes(secret, guess)  # I'm guessing indexes is defined elsewhere?
            for i in indices:
                w[i] = guess  # Make it explicit. secret[i] == guess anyway.
            print("".join(w))  # Join w into a word
            guessCount -= 1  # More concise
            print("Incorrect. ", guessCount, " incorrect guesses remaining.")

A little suggestion for implementing indexes:

def indexes(word, letter):
    return [i for i, c in enumerate(word) if c == letter]

Or simply replace the call to indexes() with:

indices = [i for i, c in enumerate(secret) if c == guess]

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