Removal of Duplicate Rows from Data table Based on Multiple columns


I have data table which contains many duplicate rows i need to filter those rows from data table based upon multiple columns to get distinct rows in resultant data table....

Barcode Itemid PacktypeId

1      100      1

1      100      2

1      100      3

1      100      1

1      100      3

need only rows which contains packtypeid 1,2,3 remaining 4th and 5th row should be removed

I have tried using two methods but none didn't turns for better result

Data table contains more than 10 columns but unique column's is "Barcode", "ItemID", "PackTypeID"


 dt_Barcode = dt_Barcode.DefaultView.ToTable(true, "Barcode", "ItemID", "PackTypeID");

The above method filter's the rows but it returns columns only 3 column values i need entire 10 column values.

                   List<string> keyColumns = new List<string>();
           RemoveDuplicates(DataTable table, List<string> keyColumns)
            var uniqueness = new HashSet<string>();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            int rowIndex = 0;
            DataRow row;
            DataRowCollection rows = table.Rows;             
            int i = rows.Count;
            while (rowIndex < i)
                row = rows[rowIndex];
                sb.Length = 0;
                foreach (string colname in keyColumns)

                if (uniqueness.Contains(sb.ToString()))

The Above Method returns exception like there is no rows at position 5


Method 3:

Instead of Trying above 2 methods i found this Linq Method something very useful

     dt_Barcode = dt_Barcode.AsEnumerable().GroupBy(r => new { ItemID = r.Field<Int64>("ItemID"), PacktypeId = r.Field<Int32>("PackTypeID") }).Select(g => g.First()).CopyToDataTable(); 

Collected from the Internet

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