Exception message is On data context type there is a top IQueryable property whose element type is not an entity type

Ghini Antonio

im bulding my WCFDataService hosted in IIS 7, im going to use Reflection Provider as data source provider. my sample work if i keep the entity type definition in the same assembly where i defined the service, but dosen't work if i move the entity type to another referenced assembly with following error

"server encountered an error processing the request. The exception message is 'On data context type 'EntityContainer', there is a top IQueryable property 'Cats' whose element type is not an entity type"


public class WcfDataService1 : DataService<EntityContainer>

        public static void InitializeService(DataServiceConfiguration config)
            config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("Cats", EntitySetRights.AllRead);
            config.DataServiceBehavior.MaxProtocolVersion = DataServiceProtocolVersion.V3;


Entity Container

public class EntityContainer
        public IQueryable<Cat> Cats
                var s = new List<Cat>();
                var c1 = new Cat {Id = 1, Name = "Fufi"};
                var c2 = new Cat {Id = 1, Name = "Felix"};
                return s.AsQueryable();


Entity type

public  class Cat 
     public int Id { get; set; }

     public string Name { get; set; }

now as i said above everithing work if i keep the class Cat together with the other code, but i got an error if i move the Cat to a referenced assembly

What im missing?

Ghini Antonio

After 2 hours and strong head ache i found the problem by myself, i was referencing Microsoft.Data.Services.Client in my service and System.Data.Services.Client in the referenced project library where i was going to move the entity type. Hope my post can help someone else. Thank you

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