Specflow / automated testing - making directories inaccessible

Russ Taylor

So we're using C#/Specflow, and I have a test that reads

Given The publish directory can not be accessed

The app being tested reads/writes files from a directory, firstly checking it exists and if not throws an exception. I am testing that this exception is thrown. What I need to do is make the directory inaccessible for the duration of the test.

The options as I see it are:

  • Change the directory it's accessing by overriding it's config (Windows registry) for the duration of the test.

  • Rename the directory it's accessing for the duration of the test.

  • Change the permissions on the directory for the duration of the test.

None of these seem ideal, I'd like to leave the test server alone if possible. Can anyone tell me of a better solution to this please?

Sam Holder

An option that you didn't specify is to mock out the file access behind an interface and then have the mock simulate lack of access.

This has the benefit of not needing to change anything for the test, but means that its not longer an integration tests. If you don't mock and instead change the config/folder access then this test will need to ensure it isn't run when any other tests are running as they might consequently fail due to those changes.

This question has an example of how you might do this simply, and also links this library and this library which might be able to help.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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