Not able to specifically traverse through the syntax tree?

Jerric Lyns John

I'm trying to implement a Diagnostic Analyzer for Collection initializer and its corresponding Code Fix provider.

Wrong Code:

var sampleList= new List<string>();

After CodeFix:

var sampleList= new List<string>(){"", ""};

But I'm stuck at this problem that once I get a node for LocalDeclarationStatement, I'm not aware if there exists a way to get the very next adjacent node from the parent.

Syntax Tree

In the above Picture I require both the ExpressionStatement after analyzing the LocalDeclarationStatement

REQUIREMENT for analyzer

  1. Identify the LocalDeclarationStatement, a collection that is already initialized but doesnt contain CollectionInitializerExpression
  2. Find if the very next line has an Expression statement that is using Add method on the same collection

REQUIREMENT for Code fix

  1. Provide Collection initializer syntax for the adjacent Expression statements that are using Add method on the collection
  2. All other intermitten usage of Add method on the collection has to be avoided.
Jason Malinowski

You can do something like:

var declarationStatement = ...;
var block = (BlockSyntax)declarationStatement.Parent;
var index = block.Statements.IndexOf(declarationStatement);
var nextStatement = block.Statements[index + 1];

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