Reading file in child process in C


So basically, I'm trying to read a file and see if any of the lines matches with a given string in a child process that I've created. The answer is then transmitted to the parent process that prints it out. My problem is that my code only works if I input the last line in my txt file. Any other line is reported as not being present in the file.


void Login()
char name[20];
int pfd[2];
pid_t pid;


if((pid=fork()) == -1)

if (pid==0)
 FILE *fp = fopen("loginuser.txt", "r");
 scanf("%s", name);
 int ok = 0;
 if (fp!=NULL)
 char line[20];
 while (fgets(line,20,fp) !=NULL)
 if (strcmp(name,line)==0) ok = 1;
 char s1[]="logged in!";
 char s2[]="Not found!";
 if(ok==1) write (pfd[1],s1,strlen(s1));
 else write(pfd[1],s2,strlen(s2));
 int n;
 char reada[20];
 n=read (pfd[0],reada,sizeof(reada));

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
 return 0;



Inputing anything other than aloo ,in this case, won't give the correct result. I also have two extra characters after the parent prints something. Any ideea what I've done wrong and why it's not working as intended ?


Fgets return the endtrail caracter in your line, meaning that you were actually comparing aaabs to aaabs\n, thus failing strcmp. If you do this instead :

      while (fgets(line,20,fp) !=NULL)
          size_t i = strlen(line) - 1;
          if (line[i] == '\n')
            line[i] = '\0';

          if (strcmp(name,line)==0)ok = 1;

It'll remove each '\n' with a '\0' instead, cleaning your buffer from endlines.

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