Cannot bind model to collection


I'm trying to use a very static starting set of data to bind to a backbone collection. In the code below, I create my model, give it an initialization function, and create a starting data set for a property called dataArray.

In the collection, if I understand this correctly, I assign the model to be a single new instance of the model type I just created.

When I attempt to access the model in the collection from the view (via the render function), however, I'm being told by Chrome's debugger that there are not models in the collection.

Trying to learn Backbone on the fly so any hints/tips/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


var DataPoint = Backbone.Model.extend({

    initialize: function (x) {

    defaults: {
        dataArray: ""

    randomize: function () {
        $.each(dataArray, function (key, item) {
            this.contract = Math.random() * (140000 - 100000 + 1) + 100000;

    setDefaults: function() {
        dataArray = [{ "label": "0/7yrs", "contract": 108530.17, "annReturn": "1.20%" },
            { "label": "1/7yrs", "contract": 111830.17, "annReturn": "1.63%" },
            { "label": "2/7yrs", "contract": 115311.17, "annReturn": "2.07%" },
            { "label": "3/7yrs", "contract": 118984.65, "annReturn": "2.52%" },
            { "label": "4/7yrs", "contract": 122859.65, "annReturn": "2.98%" },
            { "label": "5/7yrs", "contract": 126947.77, "annReturn": "3.46%" },
            { "label": "6/7yrs", "contract": 131260.74, "annReturn": "3.94%" },
            { "label": "7/7yrs", "contract": 135810.92, "annReturn": "4.44%" }];


var DataSeries = Backbone.Collection.extend({

    model: new DataPoint(),

    fetch: function () {

    randomize: function () {
        this.each(function (m) {



var BarGraph = Backbone.View.extend({

    "el": "#graph",

    options: {barDemo: ""},

    initialize: function (options) {

        _.bindAll(this, "render", "frame");
        this.collection.bind("reset", this.render);
        this.collection.bind("change", this.render);

        this.options.barDemo = d3.selectAll($(this.el)).append("svg:svg")
            .attr("width", width)
            .attr("height", height + 60);


    render: function () {

        //This displays in the console as empty brackets: []

        //This naturally throws an error saying cannot read propety of undefined
        var data = this.collection.models.attributes.dataArray;

    frame: function () {
        //this.chart.append("line").attr("y1", 0).attr("y2", h - 10).style("stroke", "#000");

        //this.chart.append("line").attr("x1", 0).attr("x2", w).attr("y1", h - 10).attr("y2", h - 10).style("stroke", "#000");

Starting jQuery function

$(function() {
    var dataSeries = new DataSeries();
    new BarGraph({
        collection: dataSeries

    setInterval(function () {
    }, 2000);

You seem to be a little confused about how Colllections work. The model property of the collection is not meant to be a Model instance at all: it's designed to be a Model class. So, this line:

model: new DataPoint(),

should really be:

model: DataPoint

This is likely what is causing your problem. When you fetch a Collection Backbone uses the model property to instantiate each new member of the collection. In other words, if your fetch returns:

[{a: 1}, {b: 2}];

the Collection will do the following (essentially; the details aren't quite the same but this is close enough for explanatory purposes):

this.add(new DataPoint({a: 1}))
this.add(new DataPoint({b: 2}))

but back when your model was a DataPoint instance, what Backbone was doing was:

var x = new DataPoint();
this.add(new x({a: 1}))
this.add(new x({b: 2}))

which wouldn't have resulted in any Models being added to your Collection.

Also, you seem to be a little confused about the models property of a Collection. You have this:

var data = this.collection.models.attributes.dataArray;

but the models property of a Collection's is an array of Model instances, not a Model itself, so it has no attributes property. Each individual Model instance in the Collection does have an attributes property though, and you can access it by using the Collection invoke method:

var data = this.collection.invoke('toJSON');

P.S. One last thing: your DataSeries Collection has no url (or urlRoot) property defined, which means your fetch won't work because Backbone has no idea where to fetch the data from. The url property should be set to a URL which returns the JSON for 1+ models.

Collected from the Internet

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