Overlap image onto another section while pushing content out of the way


Current: http://jsfiddle.net/nmd1abot/

Desired: http://i.imgur.com/64wPw7W.jpg

Basic structure


I need help getting the graphic to overlap into the grey section while pushing the header of the second section down more.

Is there a solution that doesn't involve manually setting the padding of the second section?

It is likely that many other pages that I build will use this design, but the image size is not standardized.

Roko C. Buljan


Simply add

margin-top: -50px; 
padding-top: 50px;

to your .two

So basically a negative margin-top will push .two up, but also it's inner content.
Than to pull back the content down the same amount of top-padding will do the job.

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