Delete else statement but requires else statment


So basically I'm doing a java tutorial but in order to follow along I need to make a class file. Everything was already given to me but it gives me an error. The error is: Delete else statement or something along those lines. But when I delete it it tells me to put another else statement there.
The code is : Is this a problem with eclipse or is there something wrong with the code?

import java.text.*;
public class In {
    static InputStreamReader r = new InputStreamReader(;
    static BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(r);
    // Read a String from the standard system input
    public static String getString() {
        try {
            return br.readLine();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return "";
    // Read a number as a String from the standard system input
    // and return the number
    public static Number getNumber() {
        String numberString = getString();
        try {
            numberString = numberString.trim().toUpperCase();
            return NumberFormat.getInstance().parse(numberString);
        } catch (Exception e)

            // if any exception occurs, just return zero
            return new Integer(0);
    // Read an int from the standard system input
    public static int getInt() {
        return getNumber().intValue();
    // Read a long from the standard system input
    public static long getLong() {
        return getNumber().longValue();
    // Read a float from the standard system input
    public static float getFloat() {
        return getNumber().floatValue();
    // Read a double from the standard system input
    public static double getDouble() {
        return getNumber().doubleValue();
    // Read a char from the standard system input
    public static char getChar() {
        String s = getString();
        if (s.length() >= 1)
            return s.charAt(0);
            return’\ n’;
Alexander Guyer

What is actually causing the error here is that whatever messed up marks you have around \n are not apostrophes... I have no idea what they are. After rewriting the code exactly as you did, except with apostrophes (plus using curly braces in the if and else statements because I prefer it that way), there were no errors:

public static char getChar ()
    String s = getString();
    if (s.length() >= 1){
        return s.charAt(0);
        return '\n';

Please, in the future, make sure to use correct indentations in your questions to make it much easier for us to read.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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