Go language: Using package name inside package scope (for Examples)


I am currently writing ExampleFuncs in my Go test scripts. For example:

package hello

import "testing"

func ExampleGetSymbol() {
    data := GetSymbol("AAPL")
    // Output: 21

Now, this gives me two benefits:

  1. This example is executed when I am running go test and
  2. It appears in the godoc documentation under func GetSymbol

One thing bothers me and I am wondering if there is anything I should do about it. For the user that's trying to learn from this example, the line

data := GetSymbol("AAPL")

should actually be

data := hello.GetSymbol("AAPL")

but since the test is in the same scope as the package, I cannot use it like this.

So I guess the distilled version of my question would be:
Is there a way to allow package.field notation inside the package scope?

Thanks in advance

Rob Napier

Rather than putting this in package hello, put it in package hello_test. You're allowed to have both hello and hello_test packages in the same directory, and it allows (requires) you to create your examples the way you're suggesting.

Incidentally, this also causes you to write your test cases (at least for this file) only to the public API. This is often a good thing. But if you need to write to private functions, you can split your tests into separate files, some in the hello package and some in hello_test.

BTW, documentation for this is slightly buried. You can find it in the "Test packages" section of the go cmd documentation.

Collected from the Internet

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