How to pass a MySql Hierarchical data to a array in PHP?


I have this function:

function displayTree($parente, $level) {
    $link = dbCLASS::dbConnect();
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM procediemntos_profissionais where  PROCEDIEMNTOS_PROFISSIONAIS_PARENTE_ID = $parente ");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

        echo str_repeat('&nbsp', $level) . $row['PROCEDIEMNTOS_PROFISSIONAIS_NOME'] .  "<br/>";

        self::displayTree($row['PROCEDIEMNTOS_PROFISSIONAIS_Pk'], $level + 1);

How could I change this code if I want to return a Array whith all elements instead of print it?


I don't know exactly what your database class was doing, but you weren't using it so I am just using a dumbed down db class I normally use to fetch data. Also, your query method (mysql_) is outdated and deprecated.

    class DBEngine
            protected   $con;
            // Create a default database element
            public  function __construct($host = '',$db = '',$user = '',$pass = '')
                    try {
                            $this->con  =   new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$db",$user,$pass, array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_WARNING));
                    catch (Exception $e) {
                          return 0;

            // Simple fetch and return method
            public  function Fetch($_sql)
                    $query  =   $this->con->prepare($_sql);

                    if($query->rowCount() > 0) {
                            while($array = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                                    $rows[]   =   $array;

                    return (isset($rows) && $rows !== 0 && !empty($rows))? $rows: 0;

            // Simple write to db method
            public  function Write($_sql)
                    $query  =   $this->con->prepare($_sql);

    class   MakeTree
            public  $_TreeArray;

            public function display($parente = '', $level = '', $_makeArray = false)
                    if(!empty($parente)) {
                            // Create database connection
                            $con    =   new DBEngine('localhost','mydatabase','dbusename','dbpassword');
                            // Fetch results from database
                            $result =   $con->Fetch("SELECT * FROM procediemntos_profissionais where  PROCEDIEMNTOS_PROFISSIONAIS_PARENTE_ID = '$parent'");
                            // If not empty
                            if($result !== 0) {
                                    foreach($result as $row) {
                                            // Write if $_makeArray is false
                                            if($_makeArray !== true)
                                                echo str_repeat('&nbsp', $level) . $row['PROCEDIEMNTOS_PROFISSIONAIS_NOME'] .  "<br/>";
                                            // Save to array
                                                $this->_TreeArray[] =   str_repeat('&nbsp', $level) . $row['PROCEDIEMNTOS_PROFISSIONAIS_NOME'] .  "<br/>";

                                                $this->display($row['PROCEDIEMNTOS_PROFISSIONAIS_Pk'], $level + 1, $_makeArray);

                                    // Return the array if isset
                                        return $this->_TreeArray;

    // Create instance
    $tree   =   new MakeTree();
    // Set the value as true to start array
    $array  =   $tree->display('value','level',true);
    print_r($array); ?>

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