Wicket: Submit Form in a Panel from another Panel


I got a Page with 2 Panels (panel a and panel b). I use one of those panels (panel b) for showing some data in a table. I added a form and some checkboxes to this table. My second panel (panal a) is used for showing buttons. I want to submit the form of panel b by pushing a button of panel a, so I can do some stuff with the checked ones.

I searched a little bit and I think I have to use an ajax submit link. But I dont get how I get my checked rows.

Page Markup:

<wicket:extend xmlns:wicket="http://wicket.apache.org">
   <div style="margin-top: 60px">
       <h2><span wicket:id="header"></span></h2>
       <div wicket:id="categoryButtonPanel"></div>
       <div wicket:id="categoryTablePanel"></div>

this is how I add my checkboxes in panel b (categoryTablePanel):

Form form = new Form("form");
final List<Category> selectedCategorys = new ArrayList<Category>(); //my list where my selected rows are in
CheckGroup group = new CheckGroup("group", selectedCategorys);

DataView dv = new DataView("categoryList", dataProvider) {

      protected void populateItem(Item item) {
          final Category category = (Category) item.getModelObject();
          final CompoundPropertyModel<Category> categoryModel = new CompoundPropertyModel<Category>(category);

          item.add(new Check("checkBox", item.getModel()));
          // some more binded rows


<wicket:panel xmlns:wicket="http://wicket.apache.org">
<form wicket:id="form">
<span wicket:id="group">
<div class="table table-striped table-hover table-condensed" style="overflow: auto !important;" wicket:id="categoryTable">
        <table class="table table-striped">
                <th><input type="checkbox" wicket:id="selector">check/uncheck all</input></th>
                <tr wicket:id="categoryList">
                        <input type="checkbox" wicket:id="checkBox" />
        <div wicket:id="paginator"></div>

I can actually check every row, and if I create a normal button inside the form I can use the list selectedCategorys to do some stuff with the data.

Now I want to add one or two buttons in my second panel (categoryButtonPanel) to do some things with my data. But how?


Just creating the AjaxSubmitLink using this constructor should work:

AjaxSubmitLink(String id, Form<?> form)

So you need to somehow pass the form to the other panel to add it to the submitlink. Personally, I would add both the panels to a big form.

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