Weird overload function situation with QT/C++ types


I'm having a weird problem with an overloaded function one of my work colleagues made, but we're both C++/QT newbies and can't figure out the reason for such a situation.

The situation is as follows:

We have an overloaded function:

foo(bool arg1 = false);
foo(const QVariant &arg1, const QString &arg2 = NULL, bool arg3 = false);

On the first one we have only one optional bool argument passed as value; On the second we have one QVariant reference, an optional qstring reference and a bool.

What happens on runtime is the when I call for example:


instead of using the 2nd one and casting the string to QVariant, it uses the first one and probably ignores the argument! The weird thing is that it doesn't even complain about not existing an overload for foo(char *) on compile time for example! But if we do:


it goes to the second overload as expected.

So, the question is: Why in the world does it decide to go for an overload which accepts one optional argument not even of the same type instead of using the second one and trying to use the string argument as a QVariant?

It probably has something to do with passing the arguments as reference and giving them default values, but I've tried several combinations and always went wrong.

Thanks for your time

Angew is no longer proud of SO

That's because of the ordering of implicit conversions. Converting a string literal to a bool requires only a standard conversion sequence: an array-to-pointer conversion (obtaining const char*) and a boolean conversion (obtaining bool).

On the other hand, converting a string literal to a QVariant requires a user-defined conversion sequence, since it involves a class (QVariant).

And per C++11,

When comparing the basic forms of implicit conversion sequences (as defined in

  • a standard conversion sequence ( is a better conversion sequence than a user-defined conversion sequence or an ellipsis conversion sequence

Which means that the first overload is strictly better and is thus chosen.

I'd wager you're building with Visual Studio, by the way. Otherwise, the construct


wouldn't even compile. That's because QString("some_qt_string") creates a temporary object, and in standard C++, temporaries cannot bind to non-const lvalue references (which your second overload takes). However, Visual Studio allows that as an extension.

Collected from the Internet

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