Random file as second parameter in command prompt?

Quanti Monati

I have one string

FOR %%A in (SRCdocs\*.doc) DO doc2rtf -f addon\format1.fmt -file "%%A" -out "%%A.rtf"

This string process all source *.doc files in subfolder "SRCdocs", apply ONE FORMAT FILE (format1.fmt from subfolder "addon"). As result, I have all doc files converted to rtf with applying only one format filter (format1.fmt)

I need to edit this line for implementation of applauding random filter for each doc to rtf conversion.

How to do that?


@echo off
    setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion

    set "count=0"
    for /f "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%a in ('dir /b /a-d "addon\*.fmt"^|findstr /n "^"') do (
        set "format[%%a]=%%b"
        set "count=%%a"

    for %%a in ("SRCdocs\*.doc") do (
        setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
        set /a "format=!random! %% %count% + 1"
        for %%b in ("!format!") do for %%c in ("!format[%%~b]!") do (
            echo doc2rtf -f "addon\%%~c" -file "%%~fa" -out "%%~fa.rtf"

Load the .fmt file list in an array in memory. Now, for each of the input .doc files select a random element from the list of .fmt files.

doc2rtf command is only echoed to console. If the output is correct, remove the echo command.

Collected from the Internet

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