PHP PDO using bindParam first argument without colon

Hasan Zohdy

check this please

  $user_id = (int)$_GET['user_id'];
  $sql = 'DELETE FROM users WHERE user_id=:user_id';
  $query = $db->prepare($sql);

  $delete = $query->execute();

actually it is wokring prperly and it deletes the user row from database

but the question here is that i didn't write ':' that column in the bind query i mean

this should be wrong


this should be correct


but it doesn't throw any exception and the user row is being deleted successfully

any explaination about this ?


This post explains why the use of the colon is needed.

Is the leading colon for parameter names passed to PDOStatement::bindParam() optional?

From the post:

No, since the documentation doesn't mention this I think it's safe to assume that this behaviour isn't officially supported and shouldn't be relied upon.

However, it does actually happen to work (in PHP 5.3.24 at least) - internally a colon will be added to the parameter if it's missing (see ext/pdo/pdo_stmt.c:363 in the PHP 5.3.24 source code).

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