Aggregate a column based on NAs in a different column


I want to aggregate group2 based on NAs in group1:

Datetime            group1  group2
2011-08-08 21:00:00   1       1
2011-08-08 21:10:00   NA      2
2011-08-08 21:20:00   NA      3
2011-08-08 21:30:00   2       4
2011-08-08 21:40:00   NA      5
2011-08-08 21:50:00   NA      6
2011-08-08 22:00:00   3       7

This is my desired output:

Datetime            group1  group2
2011-08-08 21:00:00   1       1
2011-08-08 21:30:00   2       9 
2011-08-08 22:00:00   3       18

Edit: 9=2+3+4 and 18=5+6+7.

aggregate(group2~group1, data=Data, subset(Data,group1==NA),sum)

Any suggestion is appreciated. Can I do it with aggregate? or should I use different package?

Rich Scriven

It looks like na.locf from package zoo would be quite useful here.

Assuming dat is your original data, we can take the dates for the non-NA group1 levels and use cbind to bring them together with the aggregated group2 data.

> library(zoo)
> Datetime <- dat$Datetime[!$group1)]
> cbind(Datetime, aggregate(group2~group1, na.locf(dat, fromLast = TRUE), sum))
#              Datetime group1 group2
# 1 2011-08-08 21:00:00      1      1
# 2 2011-08-08 21:30:00      2      9
# 3 2011-08-08 22:00:00      3     18

PS: Thanks for updating/editing your question (+1).

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