Adding a field of an object to list in C# when list

Alexander Westman

So I have a list of objects (AllCompanies), and all the objects in the list inherit from the same class (Company). And I also have a field in the class they all inherit from which is another class entirely (Employees). I want to create a list of every Employee currently active, and I have every company in a list of objects. As you can see below I have tried to simply add the Employee's field to the list, but I get an error because I am trying to convert an object to a list of employees.

public class Main()
    List<List<Employee>> AllEmployees = new List<List<Employee>>();

    List<object> AllCompanies = new List<object>() { new SmallCompany(), new LargeCompany(), new SmallCompany() };

    AllCompanies.ForEach(delegate(object o)
        // - Here's the problem.
        // - Here's the problem.

class Employee
    public string Name;
    public int Age;
    public Employee(string name, int age)
        Name = name;
        Age = age;

class Company
    public List<Employee> Employees = new List<Employee>();

class SmallCompany : Company
    public SmallCompany(){}

class LargeCompany : Company
    public LargeCompany(){}

How can I do this most efficiently?


You shouldn't type the list as a list of object types. The objects are all Company objects, and the list should reflect that.

List<Company> AllCompanies = new List<Company>() 
        new SmallCompany(), 
        new LargeCompany(), 
        new SmallCompany() 

That will remove the need for any of that awful reflection code that will just make life hard.

Once you have that projecting each item into a new item given a selector is easy enough to do:

var allEmployees = AllCompanies.Select(company => company.Employees);

Collected from the Internet

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