How to return mock object as a null


as the topic says I don't know how to return a mocked object as null in my MVC Testing project. I'm new on making unit tests.

I have an action:

public ActionResult Edit(ClubToAddVM  clubToAddVm, HttpPostedFileBase imageFile)
    if (ModelState.IsValid)
        if (imageFile!=null)
            clubToAddVm.ImageMimeType = imageFile.ContentType;
            clubToAddVm.ImageData = new byte[imageFile.ContentLength];
            imageFile.InputStream.Read(clubToAddVm.ImageData, 0, imageFile.ContentLength);

And I want in my test to pass the imageFile object as a null. Unfortunately I can't create instance of HttpPostedFileBase abstract class and I wanna try with something like this:

var mockImageFile = new Mock<HttpPostedFileBase>();

But then I don't know how to make it as null, because mockImageFile.Object is readonly. Any ideas?

Erik Schierboom

You don't have to create an instance if you want to make it null, just do:

HttpPostedFileBase imageFile = null;

That it is an abstract class does indeed mean that you cannot create an instance of it, but it is perfectly fine to declare a variable of that type and set it to null.

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