Can't push_back a class into an object vector inside a for loop


I cannot call a function that does a push_back into a vector

void GameState::InitialiseBullet(float x, float y, float vx, float vy)
    Bullet* bullets = new Bullet();
    bullets->SetSize(5.f, 20.f);
    bullets->velocityX = vx;
    bullets->velocityY = vy;

    bullets->isActive = true;

when it is inside the following for loop

for (auto& object : gameObjects)
    //Determine the type at runtime
    if (dynamic_cast<Player*>(object) != 0)
        //Process player-specific logic
        PlayerLogic(dynamic_cast<Player*>(object), a_fTimeStep);

//Determine the type at runtime
if (dynamic_cast<Bullet*>(object) != 0)
    //Process bullet-specific logic
    BulletLogic(dynamic_cast<Bullet*>(object), a_fTimeStep);
if (dynamic_cast<Enemy*>(object) != 0)
    //Process enemy-specific logic
    Enemy* enemy = dynamic_cast<Enemy*>(object);
    EnemyLogic(enemy, lowerAliens);
    if (enemy->GetIsActive() == true)
        allDead = false;

//Update and draw our objects

The piece of code that calls the function:

if (createBullet == true)
    InitialiseBullet(bulletX, bulletY, 0, 500);
    createBullet = false;

That code works when outside the for loop. However, I need the for loop to provide access to each of my player, enemy and bullet objects. Is there a way to push_back to a vector inside a for loop that is based on the same vector? I get a "Expression: Vector iterators incompatible" error when it's inside the loop. Any ideas? New to C++ programming.

Andy Newman

It's just a vector of pointers, so it's not very big.

The objects being added is probably even smaller.

You could make a copy of the vector and iterate over the copy while inserting into the real one.

You could put new items into a new, empty vector while you iterate, and then splice them onto the real one at the end.

To delete objects, you could do either of those things, or you could simply set a flag "isZombie" and then remove all the zombies at the end.

These aren't the only answers, but they all work.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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