Get table row by row index jquery


I want to access row in my table using the row index.

When I try to get the row by is index I get :

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function 

This is my code:

function moveUpMuscle(muscleIdFrom, muscleOrderFrom, index)

    if(index == 0)
        alert("Muscle is already at the top of the list");

    table = $("#muslce_order_table");

    console.log(table == null ? "null" : "not null");

    row = table.rows(index);

    muscleIdTo = row.attr("data-id");
    muscleOrderTo = row.attr("data-order");

    console.log("muscleIdFrom " + muscleIdFrom + " muscleOrderFrom " + muscleOrderFrom);
    console.log("muscleIdTo " + muscleIdTo + " muscleOrderTo " + muscleOrderTo);


The error points to this line:

 row = table.rows(index);

In my console the log is "not null" so the table element is not undefined.


.rows is not a jQuery method. Change your code to retrieve the row as follows

row = table.find('tr').eq(index);

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