Representing tree structure in kdb


How would I represent the below tree structure with the values in each node in kdb?

a    : 4
 b   : 3
  c  : 1
  d  : 2
 e   : 7
  f  : 5
   g : 2

I would need to setup a function to sum the values at the nodes too. Any tips appreciated.


There are different approaches you can try.

For ex: TreeTable: table having parent and child column.

A treetable is a table with additional properties.

Firstly, the records of the table are related hierarchically. Thus, a record may have one or more child-records, which may in turn have children. If a record has a parent, it has exactly one. A record without a parent is called a root record. A record without any children is called a leaf record. A record with children is called a node record.

Following paper explains TreeTable.

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