Make fat jar from the project with fat jar itself, using sbt assembly

Chris Kong

I am using sbt-assembly to make my scala project into a fat jar.

This project is using play-json, and AWS SDK.

In the meantime, it is also using DynamoDB Transaction Lib as a fat jar, which is using Jackson and AWS SDK of another version.

When I used sbt assembly to make jar, error came out because of same path of libs between jackson, joda-date and other dependence shared by the AWS SDKs that I used and the ones used by DynamoDB Transaction Lib.

Due to DynamoDB Transaction Lib its own issue, I must use these two versions of both jackson and AWS SDK.

Is there any way to solve it by using merge strategy?

THX in advance!

Eugene Yokota

A fat jar is for deployment only. Using it as a library is a really bad idea.

Due to DynamoDB Transaction Lib its own issue, I must use these two versions of both jackson and AWS SDK.

Are you saying you need to use two different versions of jackson simultaneously? I don't think sbt-assembly can help you with that. Merge strategy can pick one of them.

Collected from the Internet

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