How to write wildcard search query in couchdb where name like 'a%'

Arun M R Nair

How can I write wildcard search in couchdb? I want to write query same as 'LIKE %' in sql.please help me for this.



I need to list all names that start with 'a'.


Akshat Jiwan Sharma

In couchdb you can query over string ranges.

First you need to have a view that emits all the names as keys


Then you can query it with

http://localhost:5984/your-db-name/_design/your-ddoc-name/_view/your-view-name?startkey="a"&endkey="a\ufff0" which will give you all the names starting with a.

'\uff0' is just a high value unicode character, not a specific character that will perform magic tricks in couchdb.

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