In which container can I collect Strings to show any of them


I have a LinkedHashMap which fills with data from db with loop "for" string by string and when I try to show the first or the last String, the method can show me only the last String in log. But in application listViewContent is filled fully. So I don't understand why I can't see any string that I want. I need to collect all strings I get from db and compare them in future.

How can I collect all strings and what method should I call to show the string I want to see?Unfortunately I can only retrieve one (and the last instead of the first) string. Here is my example code :

protected void onCreate(Bundle saveInstanceState) {


public FirstMethod() {
    SecondMethod newMethod = .. // getting data from the second method

public SecondMethod() {
    public void onResponseReceived(String result) {
        try {
            if (posts != null) {
                for (WallPostItem post : posts) {    // this loop
                    //create new map for a post
                    Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
                    map.put(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_TEXT, post.text);
                    PictureItem postPicture = new PictureItem();
                    map.put(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_IMAGE, postPicture);
            List<Map.Entry<String, Object>> list = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, Object>>(GlobalMap.entrySet());
            Map.Entry<String, Object> firstInsertedEntry = list.get(0);
            Log.w("FirstEntryOfMap",""+firstInsertedEntry);   // this log shows me the last string instead of the first
        if (isRefresh) {
            isRefresh = false;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.d("exceptions", "problem in get wall post task after post execute: " + e.toString());
Elliott Frisch

You aren't putting your values into a List, you are putting them into a Map (that preserves key order). I would suggest you create a POJO class,

class MyAttribute {
  final String postName;
  final PictureItem postPicture;
  final Date postDate;
  public MyAttribute(String postName, PictureItem postPicture, Date postDate) {
    this.postName = postName;
    this.postPicture = postPicture;
    this.postDate = postDate;

  public String getPostName() {
    return postName;
  public Date getPostDate() {
    return postDate;
  public PictureItem getPostPicture() {
    return postPicture;

Then you could create a

List<MyAttribute> myAttributes = new ArrayList<>();

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