Grab Table Element in Javascript


I have a table in HTML that holds names, addresses and phone numbers.

In each row for that table, there is a link you can select that opens up a popover. When a popover is selected, I would like to store the name for that specific row. The class associated with a name is

<td class="du-orl-1"> Daniel </td>

I am trying to store that name in a class via Javascript but this just seems to store the whole array of data rather than the specific element:

var objectId = $(".du-orl-1").html($(this).html());

Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?


The following jQuery should be helpful:

var objectId = $(this).closest('tr').children('td.du-orl-1').text();

Should give you the name on the row where the link was clicked.

Note: this refers to the anchor element (link) that was clicked; therefore this piece of code should be inside the click handler.

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